QueeAndJiggy OPSummer 1969 · Diana, Manuel, and Billy still stay in the Principality of Brackelstein · Billy decides to pay a second visit to the capital of Lower Saxony. Alone. His target: the boutique for leather clothing. The same boys as at the first purchase walk in front of him. And squeeze their noses flat in front of the shop window again. Sure, guys without money. He would like to buy them funky shirts. And new leather shorts. The shirts would certainly satisfy them. But they would probably rather have blue jeans than leather trousers. Because leather is going out of fashion. Billy chooses a T-shirt, a long-sleeved jacket and long trousers. All in shiny nappa leather. The T-shirt is made of goat, the jacket and trousers are made of cowhide. The outfit is tight and fits like a glove. Last but not least, he digs out of the most remotest corner two worn-out shorts that had been mended umpteen times. Man, they fit! As if made for him. But when he looks in the mirror, he sees that he had better not dare go out on the street with it ... short leather pants, leather shorts, leather trousers, leather T-shirt, Snakiestory, QueeAndJiggy, kurze Lederhose, Ledershorts, Brackelstein,